26th May, 10 AM
Dom omladine Beograda


Register and socialise over a welcome coffee.

Chengetai Masango, head of the Secretariat of the Internet Governance Forum, United Nations

Dejan Đukić, Director of the Serbian National Internet Domain Registry Foundation (RNIDS)

Milan Dobrijević, State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications

Mirjam Kühne, Chair, RIPE Community


Sala Amerikana

The first session will look at the current global, European, regional, and national political processes that shape our digital environment. What is going on at the United Nations, what the new European Union regulations mean for us, how things are moving in our region, what has been done in Serbia thus far, and what awaits us in the coming period, and whether and how we may affect the outcomes of these processes.


  • Chengetai Masango, head of the Secretariat of the Internet Governance Forum, United Nations
  • Milan Dobrijević, State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications
  • Tanja Miščević, Deputy Secretary General, RCC (Regional Cooperation Council)
  • Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield, Member of the European Parliament

Moderator: Slobodan Marković, UNDP

Language of session: English


Belgrade Youth Centre Club

Klimerko: Using technology to address climate change

  • Prof. Vladimir Đurđević
  • Ana Prodanović, UNICEF

Moderator: Desiree Željka Milošević, isoc.rs


The media, human rights and digital literacy in the post-digital era

Sala Amerikana

The fourth industrial revolution is a significant opportunity to achieve sustainable progress for humanity and for the planet as a whole. But some innovations raise significant ethical issues relating to the use of personal data, freedom of expression and their contribution to sustainable development. Media and digital literacy are of vital importance in a time in which we are seeking to respond to social, economical and environmental opportunities and challenges, as well as to take active part in our societies.


  • Maja Zarić, Ministry of Culture and Information
  • Danilo Krivokapić, Director, Share Foundation
  • Marko Stanković, member of the Board of the National Youth Council of Serbia

Moderator: Bogdan Banjac, office of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality

IT and entrepreneurs 

Belgrade Youth Centre Club 

How do you conduct business in IT without being overwhelmed by new laws, by the coronavirus, by international conflict and by other unforeseen factors?


  • Ivan Minić, serial entrepreneur, Chair of the RNIDS Board of Governors
  • Goran Mladenović, Director, NiCAT cluster

Moderator: Dušan Stojičević, Director, Gransy

13:10 – 14:00

Cyber-security and the human factor: awareness, education and competencies 

Sala Amerikana

If it’s digitalised, it can be hacked. The stakes are getting higher – for individuals, for companies and organisations and for society as a whole. And despite all the tools that are out there, people are still the weakest link. How aware is the Serbian public of the challenges of cyber-security? Are institutions, organisations and companies doing enough to raise awareness? Are we preparing the next generation to be a link that won’t break? Are we training up the cyber-security experts that the market needs so badly?


  • Nebojša Jokić, Cyber-security Network
  • Dejan Đukić, Director of the Serbian National Internet Domain Registry Foundation (RNIDS)

Moderator: Milan Sekuloski, Cyber-security Network

The data economy and the public interest

Belgrade Youth Centre Club

Although the digital revolution has provided huge opportunities for political, social and economic exchange, it’s not all roses in the world of tech. There are huge differences of interest between Internet users and the providers of digital services. The task of this interactive session is to present new thinking about the economic value of online data and its use. How do we protect the data of the individual and the public interest at the same time? What initiatives or changes will this require?


  • Milica Jovanović, journalist
  • Nevena Ružić, Fund for an Open Society
  • Dr Paul Twomey, Global Solutions Fellow 

Moderator: Desiree Željka Milošević, Board Chair, ISOC.RS

Language of session: English

14:00 – 14:45
14:45 – 16:00

Sala Amerikana

The Chinese ‘Great Firewall’, the American ‘Clean Network’, the Russian unplugged Internet and the European Cloud Initiative. More and more nations are moving towards some form of digital sovereignty. But what does the concept even mean, and how sustainable is it? Can nations really reach the point where all the data of their citizens and entities are stored locally? How feasible is it to be independent of the global supply chain of IT services and components? Can international data routing be controlled? Is a ‘Splinternet’ possible – a fragmentation of the Internet into independent (and unconnected) regional or national networks? How realistic are these scenarios, especially in the light of growing global tensions? What good can they bring and what evils? And what are Serbia’s options?


  • Bernard Benhamou, Digital Institute for Sovereignty, France
  • Danko Jevtović, Board member, ICANN
  • Desiree Željka Milošević, Board Chair, ISOC.RS
  • Dr Jan Krasni, Technical University Berlin

Moderator: Vladimir Radunović, DiploFoundation.

Language of session: English

16:00 – 16:30
16:30 – 17:00

Sala Amerikana

Dialogue with the public and with stakeholders on topics of interest for the near future.

Moderator: Dušan Stojičević, Director, Gransy

Sala Amerikana
  • Bogdan Banjac, SEEDIG
  • Sandra Hoferichter, Secretary General, EuroDIG
  • Programme committee for IGF Serbia


стални представник Програма Уједињених нација за развој (UNDP) у Србији
Круна Савовић, адвокатица, медијско правo, телекомуникацијe и интелектуалнa својинa
Истраживачко-развојни институт за вештачку интелигенцију Србије
шефа Одсека за регулативу у области информационог друштва, МИТ
Канцеларија за ИТЕ
саветница за управљање интернетом и дигитална права, Internews
оснивачива и гл. уредница lifestyle портала BDW Magazin
Руководилац Центра за науку Универзитетске библиотеке „Светозар Марковић“
Повереницa за заштиту равноправности Републике Србије
Фондација РНИДС
Програм Уједињених нација за развој (UNDP)
Национални ЦЕРТ Републике Србије
Chief Sales & Operations Officer, Joberty
ванредни професор, Правни факултет у Новом Саду
виши саветник, Повереник за информације од јавног значаја и заштиту података о личности
Партнери Србија
заменик директора, Београдски центар за безбедносну политику
председница Women4Cyber Србије
генерални директор Quantox Technology
Руководилац службе за информациону безбедност и послове Националног ЦЕРТ-а
Member of the Board, ICANN
Secretary General of the EuroDIG Support Association
member of the Board of the National Youth Council of Serbia
serial entrepreneur, Chair of the RNIDS BoG
Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications
Secretariat of the Internet Governance Forum, United Nations
member of the Ministry of the Interior
Member of the European Parliament
Goran Mladenović, Director NiCAT cluster




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